The Brief:
Scroll through a sampling of various works from 1994, through the present – most recently SIG Sauer and Radian Weapons.
Some have been redacted for security.
This showcases not just graphic design, video editing, SEO/SEM, brand, interactive, and traditional marketing strategies. But the results of his leadership of in-house, and agency creative teams, many of which Lynn built and mentored directly.

SIG Sauer BDX, RADIAN Afterburner, RADIAN Ramjet. Print publications.
2018 – Sig Sauer BDX
Mission Crossbows + Sig Sauer co-op marketing program, advertising example.
Strategy, and Design: Lynn Twiss
2022 – Radian Afterburner + Ramjet
Glock pistol component launch.
Strategy, and Management: Lynn Twiss

SPEAKEASY has a new meaning: PWS BDE.
no need to shout.
Provided messaging, design, and in-channel materials for the new category launch for Primary Weapons System’s new Modular BDE Suppressor.
Read details on this project here.

The RADIAN AFTERBURNER + RAMJET publicly launched to first-party email subscribers, web, and multiple print publications in November 2021, and again at the NSSF’s public media event – the 2022 SHOT Show – held on Jan 18-21 in LAS VEGAS with the below video.
Outlining the specific aspects of the product offering and its benefit to consumers. A 3D rendered and heavy voice-over showcase the strength and innovation of the AFTERBURNER + RAMJET G19 compensator and barrel

SIG SAUER Electro-Optics – BDX – Connect The Dot
Portfolio of Lynn Twiss
Launched at the 2018 NRA Show, the SIG SAUER Electro-Optics division’s Ballistic Data Xchange suite of technology products was a massive undertaking. Seen here is the full-length 2-minute showreel, displaying in a beautiful narrative showcasing multiple use-cases, the many ways to use BDX.

ROMEOZero // P365XL Campaign Concepting // 2019
At the beginning of the summer of 2019, I did my monthly, week-long trek from Oregon to New Hampshire to present to executive leadership the status of the work the President and myself were conducting for the division. These presentations were typically strategy combined with execution examples, as the work needed consensus to launch.

Leupold digital pivot, and two new websites.
There were multiple phases of the 2012 launch of the new Leupold Optics website, the largest, no one but the internal product managers and marketing teams saw – called the ARTEMIS product API that powered all product data on the website – and the other was the WordPress publicly facing website.

Email Engagement
Weekly email blasts, pushing both to product and to Leupold LIFE stories, and content. Secondarily to social channels, which at that time was Facebook, YouTube only, with burgeoning Instagram and Twitter engagement.
MARK 6 Wave II Tactical Riflescope Line – Patches
Developed to promote the new Wave II versions of the MARK6 tactical riflescope line from Leupold Optics. Illustrating the distances of optical magnification and use cases through the striking distance of natural predators: EAGLE (long-distance – sniper), PANTHER (medium distance – marksman), VIPER (short distance – rifleman)


The road from Kimber of Oregon, to Kimber of New York.

A Few Full Page Ads

Virtually every gun writer who has tested one of our .45s agrees that Kimbers are the best production 1911 pistols made today. Only custom pistols costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars more are considered equal to a Kimber.
For starters, we use forged frames, slides and barrels in our steel guns, not investment castings, resulting in tolerances up to three times more exacting than other brands. Unlike imports such as Springfield, Kimbers are manufactured in the USA for total control over design and quality. As for Colt, well, as Charles Petty said in the February 1998 issue of GUNS, “The Colt pistols I’ve shot in the last 10 to 15 years would positively die to be able to shoot this well.”
Now 15 different Kimber 1911 models are available; eight full-size steel frames, four high capacity polymer frames and three compacts that really shoot. With our retail prices starting at $657, a Kimber is the obvious choice over any other 1911. Just ask the gun writers.

Ultra light. Ultra short. ULTRA CARRY.
Kimber Ultra Carry pistols are the smallest and finest subcompact 1911s ever manufactured. Accurate and dependable, they weigh just 25 ounces. A three inch barrel makes them perfect for concealed carry.
Kimber’s unique design does not compromise reliability to reduce size or weight by using castings. Frames are cut from solid 7075-T7 aluminum bar stock and machined to the same precision tolerances as our steel frames. They have been tested to 20,000 rounds without measurable evidence of wear. The Ultra Carry uses standard Compact magazines and the grip is long enough for a three-finger hold.
Standard features include match grade barrel and McCormick parts set, sculpted edges, beveled magazine well and dovetail-mounted sights.
The Ultra Carry elevates the accuracy and dependability of a small 1911 to a higher level. Compare and you will agree.

The difference between making believe and making guns.
One competitor would have you believe they make a better 1911 than Kimber. But “America’s Oldest Name in Gunmaking” doesn’t really make pistols – they import their guns and finished parts from Brazil! Now they are telling you their guns are “Loaded” – presumably with parts and features that make them perform as good as a Kimber. Don’t be fooled. Dressing up the same old gun doesn’t make it more accurate or reliable. Besides, how can they improve a gun if they don’t know how to build one in the first place?
Another famous company is once again revamping their 1911 line by putting a few new small parts on their same old slides and frames. Slapping on aftermarket parts is not how you engineer a gun. Their tolerances are not even close to what you will find on every Kimber. Compare for yourself. Work their slides back and forth, push up and down on the barrel or examine the part-to-part fit. Then do the same with a Kimber. Our tolerances are two or three times tighter than the competition.
At Kimber, we cut everything but corners. Frames, slides and barrels are cut from solid steel forgings. Aluminum frames are cut from solid blocks of 7075- T7, the finest and strongest available. We use genuine McCormick parts and match grade trigger groups. Standard Kimber features include beveled magazine well, polished breech face, high ride beavertail grip safety and match grade barrel. More importantly, our pistols have the tightest manufacturing tolerances of any production 1911 pistol ever made. If you want the finest 1911, buy a Kimber. If you want to play make believe, buy something else.

Kimber’s First Televised Commercial.
In 2002, Lynn conceived, scripted, and hand drew storyboards. Assisting in the direction of Kimber Mfg., Inc.’s first television commercial. The VP of Sales & Marketing had a few key elements he wanted to be covered, but after his direction, Lynn went to work.
In support of the introduction of the Augusta Shotgun, which Kimber was importing at the time.
Seen here are rough sketches with feedback, complete drawings, and inset final storyboards.
For photos from this day of shooting, please see this GUNLAND article: Off-Season Hunting and Shooting Content Creation